Discord Controls Extension Version 1.5 Released!

The Discord Controls extension has been updated to version 1.5 with several improvements and new features.

Key Features in Version 1.5

  • File Attachments: The Create Message command now allows sending files directly to your Discord server, eliminating the need for Imgur as an intermediary.
  • Improved Unicode Emoji Handling: You’ll now see Unicode emojis properly displayed in responses for getting messages, events, etc.
  • New Encode Emoji Command: You can now encode a Unicode emoji to send to Discord, which is especially useful for retrieving users who reacted with a specific emoji.

How to Update

  1. Download the updated .sef file.
  2. Back up your settings and custom buttons inside the Discord Controls deck (this will be replaced).
  3. Install the extension and replace both the extension and the deck when prompted.
  4. Restore your settings and custom buttons, and you’re all set!

Download Discord Controls 1.5